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IT Service
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Service offered for POSCO workers, clients and customers not to feel uncomfortable when utilizing the system through responding to questions, giving instructions and 114 service and receiving and handling errors of system

POSCO Help Desk

Number: 02-3457-0111
E-mail: helpdesk@posco.com
-Answer questions about use of POSCO working system

POSCO Global Help Desk

Number: 02-3457-5500
Complimentary call: 080-699-4000
E-mail: globalhelp@posco.com
-Answer questions about IT services overseas and offer technological support

POSCO Call Information

Number: 054-220-0114
E-mail: pos08023@posco.com
-Inform the numbers related to work of POSCO or affiliated companies

POSCO Management Support Information

Number: 054-220-1234
-Respond to questions and inquiries about POSCO management support work
(including diligence and indolence, wage, domestic commissioned education, regular performance, etc.)

POSCO Mobile Help Desk

Number: 054-220-0155
Complimentary call: 080-345-4567
E-mail: mobilehelpdesk@posco.com
-Handle inquiries about POSCO mobile working system

POSCO Steel-n.com Help Desk

Complimentary call: 080-580-3333
Overseas inquiries: 02-3457-5151
E-mail: emarket@posco.com
-Handle inquiries about using steel e-commerce site

POSCO E&C IT Help Center

Number: 032-748-1111
-Handle inquiries about using POSCO E&C working system

POSCO FamilyEP Help Desk

Number: 031-723-1999
E-mail: familyhelp@poscoict.com
-Handle inquiries about using FamilyEP working system