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현재위치 : Home  Home   >   About Us   >   Recruitment
Process of Recruitment
A disabled person applies for job seeker registration of KEAD
KEAD recommends a talent registered job seekers
POSCOHUMANS conducts interviews and hires
the recommended job seeker
  • 1.A disabled person applies for job seeker registration of KEAD
  • 2.When POSCOHUMANS asks, KEAD recommends a talent registered job seekers
  • 3.POSCOHUMANS conducts interviews and hires the recommended job seeker
[KEAD] ☎ 031-728-7001
[POSCOHUMANS] ☎ 054-220-7733

Other Activities
Employ the students who received customized training of KEPAD
Select the outstanding disabled people through a disabled job fair and site training
Give opportunities of recruitment by site training for students of local special education schools